Student Bursaries
Each year, Kin Canada gives away approximately 70 individual $1,000 student bursaries. To apply, students must compete an application and submit it to their local (or nearest) Kin, Kinsmen or Kinette Club by Jan 31, each year.
The clubs can then choose one application from all received to be slected (by March 1 each year to move forward to the National Hal Rogers Endowment Fund. The national committee then selects the lucky recipients.
In Kelowna, our club also has our won small bursary fund. We use this to award our local recipients that did not get selected to move forward to Kin National. Depending on the number of annual applicants, these bursaries can range from about $250 to $1,000 per recipient.
YouTube: Steps to complete your application
Local Kin Bursaries
Applications for local bursaries must first complete the application for the above noted National Bursary. After we forward one application to National we review the remaining applications for our local bursaries.
Applications are due by January 31st of each year to qualify for the bursaries awarded for that year's classes.
We are a community minded Service Club.
Our fundraising efforts are put directly back into the community in meaningful ways.
We are a co-ed group, organizing fun, creative fundraising projects to learn new skills, make new friends and have a say in how we give back to our community.
New members always welcome.
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